Specify a distribution
You’re able to make a wide range of probability distributions using distplyr’s manipulation functions, but you’ll need to start with more standard, basic distributions first. There are typically three use cases for building a basic distribution:
- Parametric families
- Empirical distributions
- Manually specified distributions
1. Parametric Families
These include distributions like Normal, Exponential, Poisson, etc.
distplyr includes distributions present in base R’s
selection of distributions. For example, a Normal distribution in base R
has associated functions rnorm()
etc. In distplyr:
dst_norm(0, 1)
#> [1] "norm" "parametric" "dst"
#> name :
#> [1] "norm"
distplyr also includes other common distributions not present in base R, such as a generalized Pareto distribution:
dst_gpd(0, 1, 1)
#> [1] "gpd" "parametric" "dst"
#> name :
#> [1] "gpd"
November 2020: Until this package gains some stability in its structure, there will be a limited number of these distributions – but there will be plenty available in the not-too-distant future.
2. Empirical Distributions
Whereas base R only has the ecdf()
function to handle
empirical distributions, distplyr provides full functionality with
. Empirical distribution of hp
values in the mtcars
(hp <- dst_empirical(hp, data = mtcars))
#> [1] "finite" "dst"
#> probabilities :
#> # A tibble: 22 × 2
#> location size
#> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 52 0.0312
#> 2 62 0.0312
#> 3 65 0.0312
#> 4 66 0.0625
#> 5 91 0.0312
#> 6 93 0.0312
#> 7 95 0.0312
#> 8 97 0.0312
#> 9 105 0.0312
#> 10 109 0.0312
#> # ℹ 12 more rows
The “step” in the name comes from the cdf:
plot(hp, "cdf", n = 501)
You can also weigh the outcomes differently. This is useful for
explicitly specifying a probability mass function, as well as for other
applications such as using kernel smoothing to find a conditional
distribution. Here is an estimate of the conditional distribution of
given disp = 150
, with cdf depicted as the
dashed line compared o the marginal with the solid line:
K <- function(x) dnorm(x, sd = 25)
hp2 <- dst_empirical(hp, data = mtcars, weights = K(disp - 150))
plot(hp, "cdf", n = 1001)
plot(hp2, "cdf", n = 1001, lty = 2, add = TRUE)
The weighting provides us with a far more informative prediction of
when disp = 150
compared to the loess,
which just gives us the mean:
#> [1] 109.961
With a distribution, you can get much more, such as this 90% prediction interval:
eval_quantile(hp2, at = c(0.05, 0.95))
#> [1] 62 175
Here’s the proportion of variance that’s reduced compared to the marginal: